EA Series Custom Audio Library

Welcome to the EA series custom audio library.

Here you will find a library of EA series configuration files, each configuration file contains custom sequences mapped to audio slots.

For each custom sequence a demonstration wav can be downloaded and played. The configuration zip can be downloaded to a USB drive and then uploaded to a EA Series amplifier or the online EA Series simulator, configuration files are compatible with firmware v1.3

Below is a list of configuration files.

EA Series School Lockdown Configuration

This configuration is typically used in educational institutions. It features three custom lockdown sequences which are assigned to Audio Slot 1, Audio Slot 2 & Audio Slot 3.

Audio Slot 1 = (Tone 7 x 3) + "Lockdown. Stay inside buildings and await further instructions"

Audio Slot 2 = (Tone 2 x 2) + "This is a lockdown. Please lock all doors and stay away from doors and windows"

Audio Slot 3 = (Tone 5 for 5s) + "Please move inside immediately"

Download EA Series school configuration zip file, this can be imported into your EA Series amplifier.

EA Series Ammonia Alarm Configuration

This configuration is used in industrial facilities . It features three custom ammonia alarm sequences which are assigned to Audio Slot 1, Audio Slot 2 & Audio Slot 3.

Audio Slot 1 = (Tone 37 for 5s) + "Ammonia alarm has activated stay in building. Only evacuate if fire alarm sounds"

Audio Slot 2 = (Tone 2 x 2) + "Ammonia alarm, please evacuate to a safe area"

Audio Slot 3 = (Tone 1 x 4) + "Ammonia alarm, evacuate the building to the nearest exit"

Download EA Series ammonia alarm configuration zip file, this can be imported into your EA Series amplifier.
EA Series Tsunami Alarm Configuration

This configuration is used to warn of a tsunami . It features two tsunami alarm sequences which are assigned to Audio Slot 1 & Audio Slot 2.

Audio Slot 1 = (Tone 13 x 4) + " This is a Tsunami Warning. Move to higher ground"

Audio Slot 2 = (Tone 46 x 4) + " This is a Tsunami Warning. Move to higher ground "

Download EA Series tsunami alarm configuration zip file, this can be imported into your EA Series amplifier.

EA Series Toxic Gas Alarm Configuration

This configuration has one custom sequence. A toxic gas alarm sequence which is assigned to Audio Slot 1 

Audio Slot 1 = (Tone 37 for 5s) + 'Toxic gas alarm has activated, stay in building, only evacuate if fire alarm sounds"

Download EA Series toxic gas alarm configuration zip file, this can be imported into your EA Series amplifier.

EA Series Te Ao Maori & English Evacuation Configuration

This configuration has one custom sequence. A Te Ao Maori and English evacuate sequence which is assigned to Audio Slot 1 

Audio Slot 1 = (Tone 1 x 4) + ("Please evacuate the building using the nearest fire exit" x 2)   Te Ao Maori & English

Download EA Series Te Ao Maori and English evacuate configuration zip file, this can be imported into your EA Series amplifier.